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Guide Services

We have a wide range of Guided Services to help you learn and enjoy the wonders of the Maine Wilderness. With over 50 years of guiding experience between our guides of different disciplines, we have guides to meet all of your needs. 

Guided Bear Hunts

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50,000+ acres, decades of experience, and the opportunity to hunt over a professionally managed bait allows you a shot at harvesting a black bear. 

Shaun Aldridge is the Guide overseeing our bear hunts. year after year we have hunters returning to learn and experience what this is all about. 

Guided Fishing Trips

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One of the best Smallmouth & Largemouth Bass fisheries in the state is right here at SBLC. The abundance of structure allows these amazing bass to thrive while feeding on the smaller bait fish and alewife. With no real predators besides a small population of pickerel, the bass is the dominant species, and the healthy number you catch here is evidence enough.  

approximately three miles long & one-and-a-half miles wide, with 9 islands, rocky shoals, flats, and drops, it can be a tougher lake to learn. This is why we have fishing guide cliff to put you on the fish.  There are also fishing opportunities on the Penobscot or Piscatiquis rivers where fish might be a bit smaller but counts can top 100+ per person. 

guided moose hunts


If you're lucky enough to hit the Moose Tag Lottery and need an outfitter to help ensure that you fill your tag, we are the go-to option. We have a strong number of moose throughout zones 9, 10, 11 & 18 and have had a 100% success rate in past years on filling moose tags. If you need some additional luck, there is the possibility that you can buy your tag through us, in the event we are graced with an Outfitters Tag for the season. Either way, the hard work Shaun puts into scouting the zones year after year is what allows the 100% success rate to be a reality.

Guided Bird Hunts


Pheasants, grouse, woodcock, partridge, or migratory birds are among the options for bird hunters. Whether you use pointed dogs or set a blind. One of the best things about hunting birds here at SBLC is that you don't have to walk all day or spend half your day moving from location to location to try different spots if the first location is not producing. You also have your choice of hunting locations and don't have to hunt in the same spot. Either way, you are sure to have a great experience bird hunting in the Maine woods.

Guided Deer Trips


Crisp November air, the markings of a huge buck, and the start of the trail are all you need to get going early in the morning. With options to do a partial or full guided deer hunt on our property, we have the hunt you are looking for. We can either lay out a map and go through all of the information we have scouted out, drop you off, and arrange for pickups, or we can lace up our boots and go out with you to help track down the monster rack you have been dreaming about.  there will be a warm cabin and hot food awaiting your return. During this time of year, the only way to stay with us is through the American Plan. Make sure you contact us early to ensure your place at camp this fall.

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